
Showing posts from August, 2020

'Artemesia annua' Sweet Annie

You probably know her as Sweet Annie (she's a common weed worldwide), but did you know that she's THE 'Artemesia annua' of the COVID-19 herbal remedy of Tanzania and Madagascar!  💚 A fern-like busy herb with little yellow flowers and a sweet, fruity smell, she's traditionally used in the treatment of malaria and infectious diarrhea. Her compound 'artemisinin' has anti-viral and anti-fungal properties which keep infections at bay (basically kills the parasites), and she also  helps in healing inflammatory and autoimmune conditions. In the last decade (maybe 2), scientists in Beijing isolated a substance in Sweet Annie (only found in this herb) which they have used to treat quinine-resistant malaria in 1000's of patients with an incredible 100% success rate!!! So, yes I can understand why she might work well for covid and why she's a bit of a threat to the drug and vaxx pushers (go Sweet Annie  🤩 ). Keep an eye out for her, because you probably