
Showing posts from June, 2017

H: Amaranth

Amaranthus spp add to our planting list, food and Magick. Amaranthus spp Other Names  amaranth, cock's comb, kiwicha, lamb's quarters, love lies bleeding, pigweed. General Information Amaranth is a bushy plant that grows two to seven feet tall. Although the seeds are used like grain, they are not related to cereal grains which are members of the grass family. There are over 60 species in the genus that include those grown for seeds, those grown for leaves and many that are either weeds or ornamental plants. Almost all of them are edible. Amaranth has broad, alternate leaves and a feathery flower head of small red or magenta flowers. This flower head is unmistakable and really does look like the feathers of some exotic bird. The seed heads resemble really bushy corn tassels. Each plant is capable of producing 40,000 to 60,000 tiny golden colored seeds. (Wild species produce black or brown seeds.) 2 History and Folklo