
Showing posts from July, 2017

R: Metformin

C 4 H 11 N 5 Anti-Aging Human Study on Metformin Wins FDA Approval March 2016 Metformin’s Primary Anti-Aging Mechanism Metformin enhances the activity of an enzyme found within our cells called adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase—or AMPK for short. AMPK activation helps mimic the beneficial effects of calorie restriction, the best documented method of slowing and reversing biomarkers of human aging. Reference Project Timelord: This is a living blog and more will be added from time to time.

R: Resveratrol

C14H12O3 Also a treatment for Lyme Disease A molecule known for its content in wine, and falsely said to increase lifespan (does not appear to do so in mammals). It appears to be effective at protecting the heart and blood flow, and may be an insulin sensitizer. Does not add years to life, but may add life to years. Summary: All Essential Benefits/Effects/Facts & Information Resveratrol is the beneficial compound found in red wine that is associated with life extension and some of the health benefits in wine. It is produced in grapes as a defense against toxins, and is contained in the skins. It is most well known for supposedly increasing lifespan, and it might. It does not have a novel and unique mechanism for increasing lifespan in humans, although it does in some research animals (Drosophilia). It can, however, protect humans from heart disease and insulin resistance and may extend life by that mechanism. This is more of a 'adding life to years' actio

L: Native American Ethnobotany

A Database of Foods, Drugs, Dyes and Fibers of Native American Peoples, Derived from Plants.

The Principal of Similarity

   Image from Pixabay . Com Many of us have read old Herbals and glowing claims for simple natural treatments. Yet we seem to fail to get these wondrous results today. Were they wrong, Lying or could it be other things? Our World today is complex, filled with massive amounts of Electromagnetic Pollutions, Unheard in the past complex man made chemicals and poisons. Our large commercial farm's soils are worn-out, burned-out and poisoned-out both of natural trace elements, micro nutrients, and active helpful biological lifeforms. So often what we get today only perhaps looks like foods and medicinal herbs of a few score or hundreds of years ago. There is little most of us can do about this. Yet I want to propose a simple thing we can do. And using one well-known example, extrapolate one or two other ideas to easily try. But first, let us look at what I call the PoS  "Principal of Similarity" in Nature. Those of us that do Conjure, know well the princip

B: The Medical Mythology of Ireland (1887)

 By James Mooney, Washington, D. C. (Read before the American Philosophical Society, April 15, 1887.)   from  Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society , Vol. 24, No. 125 (Jan. - Jun., 1887), pp. 136-166, in 32 pdf pages. Another most interest Irish Herbal Healing and Conjure find!


With Contributions to Irish Lore. by Lady Wilde. *** This one is a Keeper! While the Druid's Guild to Herbalism is dictated to the many aspects of plants from growing, using as foods, herbal healing, conjure blessing and curses. It is very hard to find root source documents or English translations of  Seanchas   (“old tales, ancient history, tradition; genealogy; traditional law”).  that help us with Druidic  Draíocht (Magick). But here Lady Wide comes to our aid along with this book having embedded OCR. Use search terms like Herb, Heal, Druid, Tree, Plant, and Poison to help. Download Link:

Duid's Herbs: Our Mighty OAK

Just a few notes and links about the Druid's Mighty Oak. CULPEPER'S COMPLETE HERBAL (1600's) THE OAK It is so well known (the timber thereof being the glory and safety of this nation by sea) that it needs no description. Government and virtues. Jupiter owns the tree. The leaves and bark of the Oak, and the acorn cups, do bind and dry very much. The inner bark of the tree, and the thin skin that covers the acorn, are most used to stay the spitting of blood, and the bloody-flux. The decoction of that bark, and the powder of the cups, do stay vomitings, spitting of blood, bleeding at the mouth, or other fluxes of blood, in men or women; lasks also, and the nocturnal involuntary flux of men. The acorn in powder taken in wine, provokes urine, and resists the poison of venomous creatures. The decoction of acorns and the bark made in milk and taken, resists the force of poisonous herbs and medicines, as also the virulency of cantharides, when one by eating them ha

R: DIY A "Book of Leaves" or very personal Herbal.

I posted the Idea of A "Book of Leaves" for the first time about 7-14-2017. To my knowledge, it is a new term I have coined. >>I am sure many here at one time or another started their own "Book of Shadows" but how many have a "Book of Leaves"? While Janice (my wife) is the Botanist in the family and has always been my go to source for that has roots or leaves. When I started my Project "Time-Lords" I realized I needed to start my own "Book of Leaves". And perhaps my writing about it will be of some small benefice to other Herbal novices like my self. PS how cool is this besides modern printed high tech pictures, we can add "Real Leaves" to our "Book of Leaves" TDK<< We all know what is a B.O.S. "Book of Shadows", a Grimoire "Book of Incantations and Spells for the Great Art", and a Herbal "Book of plants often also of their Medical or Magical uses". But what

R: Safe and Poisions Plants

R: Wood Toxicity and Allergen Chart

Below you’ll find a chart of various wood species, along with their reported effects and properties. The information on this chart has been compiled from many sources, with references given at the  bottom .


With history and useful guide to the pronunciation of the Greek and Latin terms. BY H. GILBERT-CARTER M.A. (CANTAB.), M.B., CH.B. (EDIN.) Director of the Cambridge University Botanic Gardell and University Lecture of Botany

R: The Muslim Agricultural Revolution and its influence on Europe

R: Editing Image Metadata.

To edit the metadata on image files, do the following: Right-click the file and select Properties. In the image properties, click on the Details tab. To edit the metadata on image files, do the following: Right-click the file and select Properties. In the image properties, click on the Details tab.

B: DIOSCORIDES (Ancient Herbal)

BEING AN HERBAL WITH MANY OTHER MEDICINAL MATERIALS WRITTEN IN GREEK IN THE FIRST CENTURY OF THE COMMON ERA A NEW INDEXED VERSION IN MODERN ENGLISH BY TA OSBALDESTON AND RPA WOOD Very well referenced with wonderful old ink and wood cuts. I am sure this will be an enjoyable read. TDK Download Link: › arch/diasc_0.pdf

R: Hawthorn: Phytopharmacological Properties and Clinical Applications of Crataegus Oxyacantha (Crataegus Laevigata)

Very nice article  

R: Giant List of Herbals through the ages.

Giant List of Herbals Here is a giant list of herbals from ancient to modern times. This is a work in progress. A large part of the information currently in this list, in particular the English Herbals and the Manuscript Herbals (9th-16th cent), is derived from Eleanour Sinclair Rohde's "The Old English Herbals" of 1922. Over time, more will be added, amended and organized... also links to where they can be found. INDEX: HERBALS BY CLASSICAL and ANCIENT WRITERS ENGLISH LANGUAGE HERBALS (printed) 1495-present EURPOPEAN LANGUAGE HERBALS (printed) 1495-present PRINTED HERBALS IN LATIN AZTEC / MESOAMERICAN HERBALS CHINESE HERBALS MANUSCRIPT HERBALS (9th-16th cent) MISCELLANEOUS other HERBALS BOOKS  about  HERBALS (i.e. books tracing the history of books about herbs) ENGLISH LANGUAGE HERBALS (printed) 1495-present Site mlink:


BY ELEANOUR SINCLAIR ROHDE With a few Druidical references. The book is somewhat of a reference to this book, "The Lacnunga" Remedies an Anglo-Saxon herbal of the 10th-century. Which I bo not have a copy of. link: References: See  Conjure: Old Anglo-Saxon Nine Herbs Charm, or Nine Wort Charm

Conjure: Old Anglo-Saxon Nine Herbs Charm, or Nine Wort Charm

>>The Lacnunga (Remedies), a 10th-century herbal, is a collection of nearly two hundred herbs used by the Anglo-Saxons and kept now at the British Library in London. Whoever compiled it, gathered material from a wide range of sources, mostly Anglo-Saxon, hence it is not a systematic account, but more of an anthology. One of its contents is the Nine Herb Charm. Anglo-Saxons believed disease was spread by toxins blowing in the winds. Songs, salt, water, and herbs were trusted means of protection from the flying venom. The Lacnunga names nine sacred plants and a chant in their praise. The nine herbs are: Mucgwyrt (Mugwort), Attorlaöe (identified as Cockspur Grass by R.K. Gordon; partially defined by others as Betony), Stune (Lamb's Cress), Wegbrade (Plantain), Mægöe (Mayweed or Matricaria (Chamomile), Stiöe (Nettle), Wergulu (Crab-apple), Fille (Thyme), and Finule (Fennel). At the end of the charm, prose instructions are given to take the a

B: Of Druids, Plants and Conjure: "Plant Lore, Legends and Lyrics" (1884)

PDF and OCR 610 pages Quit a interesting find. Surly this Lebor will keep the Druid Herbalist and Conjurer happly busy for some time. TDK A small sample: >> XVII The Druids professed to know the secrets of many magical plants which they gathered with mysterious and occult rites. The Vervain, Selago, Mistletoe, Oak, and Rowan were all said by these ancient priests and law givers to be possessed of supernatural properties ; and remnants of the old belief in their magical powers are still extant. XXII Druids exorcised evil spirits with Mistletoe and Vervain, and sorcerers and wise women used St. John's Wort and other plants to ward off demons and thunderbolts P107 The Druids, besides being priests, prophets, and legislators, were also physicians ; they were acquainted, too, with the means of producing trances and ecstacies, and as one of their chief medical appliances they made use of the Mistletoe, which they gathered at appointed ti

Tools: DIY $30.00 usd Tincture Press

The use of a wooden piston is Stainless steel or another metal type pipe lends its self to lots of easy DIY press options. Making food grade press at low cost. FYI, we have no relationship with the "Druid Garden" blog except enjoying it and sharing it. TDK Homemade Tincture Press For Less Than $30 July 16, 2014 Another good blog: Heavy Duty home use commercial product: 1/2 Gallon Strictly Medicinal Tincture Press, Stainless Steel, Spring-Loaded Return $ 1,245.00 Druid's Guide to Herbalism, our Facebook study group.

Conjure: "The Witches Flower" Horsenettle (Solanum carolinense)

From my yard. I keep a small supply for various Conjure usages. Certain people (myself included)  are not allergic to its touch or scratches from its very sharp thorns and as all parts are Poisonous to Humans, I have Renamed it "The Witches Flower" And Like Witchcraft it is very hard to uproot and goes deep underground to survive. TDK >> Horsenettle ( Solanum carolinense ), a poisonous member of the nightshade family, is one of the most difficult weeds to eradicate since it resists most attempts at control. Tilling the soil only makes it worse because it brings seeds to the surface where they can germinate. Flame weeding doesn’t kill the weed either because the penetrating roots reach depths of 10 feet or more, where they survive after the tops are burned away . Is a poisonous member of the nightshade family,  Read more at Gardening Know How: Horsenettle Control – How

R: The Seven Herbs of the Druid's

I have been debating for some time on how to do the Druid aspects of this blog. The goal here for issues of  Druidic usage in the past is not to just parrot the many modern Authors and blogs. We can all (well I can not afford it, LOL) buy tons of modern books and courese. But to find the root sources of such beliefs and share them along with links to these older books and MSSS. So in a blog like this, I will let the Author's excellent work stand alone and just add links to new blogs (R: Druid's ancient usage of Herb-X) 1)  Clover  Trifolium  sp. 2) Henbane   Hyoscyamus niger 3) Mistletoe  Viscum album,  European mistletoe ,  common mistletoe  or simply as  mistletoe  ( Old English   mistle ). Also called  Allheal or Golden Bough. Druidical priests assembled in a large body outside the dwellings of their people, and set up the shout of Nuadh-iiile-iceadli ! Nuadh-uile iccadh ! New All-heal ! New All-heal ! A curious and particular account of this c