
Showing posts from April, 2019

Mugwort 'Artemisia vulgaris'

Plant Plantt Foliage leaf shape variations In Flower Flower Stems Seed Seeding Ref, Mugwort 'Artemisia vulgaris' medica notes Latin Name Artemisia Vulgaris SAGEBRUSH Also Known As Cronewort, Common Wormwood, Wild Wormwood, Felon Herb, St. John's Plant, Chrysanthemum Weed, Sailor's Tobacco, Moxa, Artemis Herb, Naughty Man, Old Man, Old Uncle Henry, Muggons Origin Europe, North America Parts Used Leaves Traditional Use and Health Benefits This tall and hardy plant was named for the Greek Goddess of the moon “Artemis”, in respect of this herb’s benefits to women’s health – especially in menstruation, childbirth and the menopause. Historically it has been used as a herbal inhibitor for menstrual cycles and to provide relief from symptoms of the menopause. It was considered the universal herb for protection and

#Chair #Harvesting by #Astrology's rules of #Planetary Hours and Days

04-16-2019 Harvesting by Proper Planetary Hours and Days is a perhaps very contentious subject in Herbalism, but very normal in Magick. First off, let me state while Janice is a Professional Astrologer, Did charts and Astrological reading by hand and ephemeris by hand for years and later on with the best computer software. I am not one. I do keep a program running on my computer that updates me every hour on the Planetary times. Before one addresses the pros and cons of such doing, a solid knowledge of what are such rules, where did they come from? Is there more than one set of rules and how to calculate or locate the proper times and its rulers. And then there is the questions and arguments about which Planet owns what Plant or herb and why. While this is far too big a subject for this blog and I would just be cutting and pastings others works.  Happily, I can share with you a very good and thorough website on the subject. Ref.1 Rulership of the Days and Hours in Traditional A

#Chair Herb #Robert #Geranium #robertianum L.

Photo by  sannse , Tapeley Park, Instow, North Devon, 14 May 2004 04-15-2019 Family: Geraniaceae (Geranium Family) ( Geranium robertianum , commonly known as  herb - Robert , red robin, death come quickly, storksbill, fox  geranium , stinking Bob, squinter-pip (Shropshire), crow's foot, or (in North America) Roberts  geranium , is a common species of cranesbill native to Europe and parts of Asia, North America, and North Africa.) Ref. 2 >> Herb Robert is little used in modern herbalism, but is occasionally employed as an astringent to halt bleeding, treat diarrhoea etc in much the same way as G. maculatum[254]. The leaves are antirheumatic, astringent, mildly diuretic and vulnerary[7, 9, 21, 222, 238]. Modern research has shown that the leaves can lower blood sugar levels and so it can be useful in the treatment of diabetes   [244]. An infusion of the leaves is used in the treatment of bleeding, stomach ailments, kidney infections, jaundice etc [222]. Externally, a

R: #Periwinkle #Chair

Wild Periwinkles at the Cosmic Salamander Inc. # Cataranthus   # roseus # Vinca   # minor  / # major Scientific Name(s):  Catharanthus roseus G. Don. Common Name(s):  Church-flower, Madagascar or Cape periwinkle, Magdalena, Myrtle, Old maid, Periwinkle, Ram-goat rose, Red or rosy periwinkle, Vinca; Common Periwinkle, Earlyflowering, Evergreen, Herbe à la Capucine, Herbe de Fidélité, Lesser Periwinkle, Myrtle, Petite Pervenche , Pervenche Mineure, Small Periwinkle, Vinca minor, Vincae Minoris Herba, Vincapervinca, Violette des Morts, Violette de Serpent, Violette de Sorcier, Wintergreen. Catharanthus roseus Madagascar Periwinkle, Rose Periwinkle or Vinca ( Dosing -  There is no recent clinical evidence to support specific doses of periwinkle for medicinal use. Traditional doses have included 10 leaves and 10 flowers boiled in water as a tea, or 9 pink flowers in 0.5 L of water for 3 hours ("solar tea") sipped throughout the day. ) Ref.  https://www.drug