The #Menopause #HRT #Horomone Replacement Treatment #Chair Thread

Menopause: the ceasing of menstruation.
The period in a woman's life (typically between 45 and 50 years of age) when this occurs.

Hormone Replacement Therapy
Also called: ERT, Estrogen replacement therapy, HRT, Menopausal hormone therapy.

Some women take hormone replacement therapy (HRT), also called menopausal hormone therapy,
to relieve these symptoms. ... It can increase your risk of breast cancer, heart disease, and stroke.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is any form of hormone therapy wherein the patient, in the course of medical treatment, receives hormones, either to supplement a lack of naturally occurring hormones or to substitute other hormones for naturally occurring hormones. Common forms of hormone replacement therapy include:
Hormone replacement therapy for menopause is based on the idea that the treatment may prevent discomfort caused by diminished circulating estrogen and progesterone hormones, or in the case of the surgically or prematurely menopausal, that it may prolong life and may reduce incidence of dementia.[1] It involves the use of one or more of a group of medications designed to artificially boost hormone levels. The main types of hormones involved are estrogens, progesterone, or progestins, and sometimes, testosterone. It is often referred to as "treatment" rather than therapy.

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